
Contact Us

  • Mailing Address: 6135 Rings Rd, Dublin, OH 43016

Service Times

  •  8:00 a.m. - Early Hymnal-Based Worship Service
  • 10:45 a.m. - Late Worship Service lead by our Worship Team

Sunday at St. John Dublin

Sunday Worship Services
and Sunday School & Bible Classes

We invite you to join us every Sunday for Worship and Sunday School/Bible Classes between services.

Adult Bible Classes and Sunday School Grades:

• Pre-K Sunday School    

• K - 1 Sunday School 

• grades 2 - 3 Sunday School

• grades 4-5 Sunday School

• grades 6-8 Sunday School

• grades 9-12 Sunday School

• Adult Bible Classes for all ages.                                                                                                                                                                               

Our Communion Practice

Communion at St. John Dublin

To Our Congregation and Guests about the Lord’s Supper

       The Lord’s Supper is Jesus’ meal of forgiveness and strength. However, because those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood unworthily do so to their great harm and because we also believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper together is an outward profession of unity with one another in faith and doctrine, we would therefore only invite communicant members of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod to receive this gift with us. If you still desire to receive the sacrament, please first speak with the pastor.         
       Guests are still encouraged to come to the altar, cross their arms over their chests, and receive a special blessing.
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper can be made by reading the front inside cover and pp. 326-327 of the hymnal along with reaffirming the following statements:

  • I am baptized.
  • I repent of my sins, trusting in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice for forgiveness and eternal life.
  • I believe that I will eat Jesus’ actual flesh and blood in, with, and under bread and wine.
  • As Jesus has forgiven and loved me, I do not refuse to forgive and love.
  • By God’s grace I will continue to frequently receive Word and Sacrament, and I will strive to lead a Godly life to the praise and honor of Jesus’ holy name.

Learn more about what we believe »


Online Services can be found here.

Bible Study can be found here.

Call the Church office with any questions, (614) 889-2284.

Special Need?

Stop by the Usher's table for complete large print bulletins or for hearing impaired assistance.

What to Wear?

Some people wear jeans and some are dressy. Many are in business casual attire. Please wear whatever makes you most comfortable to engage in worship.

Children in Worship?

We welcome and encourage the whole family to worship together.

To help you make the most of your family's time during worship, ask an Usher to help find coloring pages, bulletin stickers to follow along with the service or booster seats.

The Nursery & Childcare Center

  • A staffed nursery for ages 3 and under is available during the 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Worship Services and the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Hour, and is located on the main level floor in room 109.