
Contact Us

  • Mailing Address: 6135 Rings Rd, Dublin, OH 43016

Service Times

  •  8:00 a.m. - Early Hymnal-Based Worship Service
  • 10:45 a.m. - Late Worship Service lead by our Worship Team

Bible Studies

God's Word was given to us as a tool to use to learn more about Him, what He has done for us and what He is still doing in us. When we study His Word together, we can learn insights we may have missed on our own.


"Art of Prayer" • Saturday
Meets 1st and 3rd Saturday as scheduled.
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Led by Kris Camealy.

“Christian Vocation" (from the Lutheran Difference Series) • Wednesday 7:30am (Zoom)
Led by Kurt Proegler. 

Conversations In Faith

"Letters to a Diminished Church" • Monday 10:00am and Tuesday 6:00pm
Led by Pastor Adam Steinbrenner

Studies from books of the Bible

Joshua • Sunday School for all Ages 9:30am
Led by Pastor Adam.

Samuel • Sunday 4:30pm (Zoom or outside & offsite)
Led by Duane Wegener.

The Gospel of John • Sunday 6:00 pm
Led by Phil Sutton.

James • Tuesday 8:15 pm (Zoom or offsite)
Led by
Kirby & Megan Ayers

Old & New Testament, "Stuff They Didn't Teach me in Sunday School"
• Saturday, bi-weekly 9:00am
Led by Mahlon Hamlin.

The Gospel of John • Saturday 7:00 am (Zoom and in person.)
Led by Phil Sutton.

Men's Bible Study

1 & 2 Thessalonians • Saturday 8:00 am
Led by Rob Braatz

Women's Bible Study

Ruth Circle "Be Joyful" • the second Monday of the month 10:00am
Led by 
etty Tull

"RAGGED" • Monday 7:00 pm and Thursday 10:00am
Led by Deaconess Dehlia